Felix and his mega expedition on one of the many disappearing islands on the Long Island Sound. This one is great in that you can only stop on it at mid tide. At low tide it's surrounded by rocks. At high tide it's gone.
Is this the little island southeast of Rye Playland?
Hey, thanks for your message earlier about the GP… I still have to measure my weirdly expansive “wingspan”— it’s actually wider than Alex’s!!! Then again, he is more evolved than I am, LOL. But as soon as that task is completed, I will order the paddle WHEEE! And the GoPro camera too… a good month for American Express 😀
Is this the little island southeast of Rye Playland?
Hey, thanks for your message earlier about the GP… I still have to measure my weirdly expansive “wingspan”— it’s actually wider than Alex’s!!! Then again, he is more evolved than I am, LOL. But as soon as that task is completed, I will order the paddle WHEEE! And the GoPro camera too… a good month for American Express 😀